Tuesday, August 07, 2007


CSFC: Professor Nettles New Faculty Advisor, DHI Renews Funding for 2007-2008

Kimberly Nettles, Professor of Women & Gender Studies at UC Davis has agreed to serve as the CSFC advisor for 2006-2007. Among other projects, Dr. Nettles research has included work on the politics of food and identity in Post-Civil Rights Oakland, California and research on urban food reform movements within the context of Black cultural and economic self-determination. CSFC thanks former Faculty advisor Professor Michael Ziser for his help in 2006-2007.

CSFC is also happy to announce it has received Research Cluster status from the Davis Humanities Institute. This award will allow us to continue our mission of supporting the critical study of food, taste, and consumption.

CSFC will be holding an organizational get together in the early part of the fall quarter (sometime in October). Please stay tuned for details. Interested researchers may also wish to be added to the food and culture list serve Simply send a request to michalski@ucdavis.edu

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